Illinois Valley Safe House Alliance formed in 2000 as a result of two former victims who polled the community and developed a board of directors. In October 2001, the organization hired its first executive director. In November 2002, the organization began providing direct services to victims of sexual and domestic violence. Our services are offered in three locations: our Cave Junction Advocacy Center, the Cave Junction Department of Human Services and the Josephine County Community Corrections. In 2012, the organization served 730 victims with services including; crisis intervention, safety planning, emergency shelter, food and transportation, assistance obtaining protection orders, public benefits (SNAP, TANF), and crime victim compensation, peer advocacy, follow-up support, support groups, referrals to and assistance with accessing other needed services. Our outreach consists of presenting information at community events, attendance at community partners’ participants’ groups, the local Art Walk, Farmer’s Market and yard sales. We hold two annual awareness events for Domestic and Sexual Violence Awareness Months. Our prevention efforts have primarily focused on high school health classes, school leadership groups and after school activities for teens.