The mission of the Illinois Valley Safe House Alliance is to serve survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault while they meet their immediate and long-term goals of safety and self-sufficiency. In order to achieve this mission, we have designed programs that address the immediate crisis needs of survivors and long-term support while they rebuild their lives. As a result, many survivors continue to work with our advocates beyond the initial help with crisis counseling, court accompaniment, safety planning, obtaining protective orders, and applying for TADVS, Crime Victim Compensation, and other benefits. We provide support groups, education groups for adults and children, assistance in returning to school and/or finding living wage jobs, and support (emotionally and fiscally) with finding adequate and affordable housing. Support groups are available for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault and for survivors who are in recovery.
Our philosophy is founded on the knowledge that women can rebuild lives that keep themselves and their children safe if they are given the support and resources they need, for the length of time they need them. Additionally, based on the Governor’s Council on Domestic Violence’s finding that 80% of survivors will turn to family, friends and co-workers before they consider the services of organizations like ours, we seek ways to engage more women without their having to identify as a victim/survivor. This approach proves itself time and again — as victims/survivors grow more comfortable they eventually disclose that they are or have been victims of domestic violence and/or sexual assault.
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