Author: marcy

I am the Volunteer Coordinator at the Illinois Valley Safe House Alliance. She will be working with volunteers to organize a "Bring in the Bystander" program, a teen violence prevention program in the near future.

I rely on gardening, music, reading, cooking, laughing with friends, and enjoying my pets as important pieces of my self care program.

Training – “Understanding Oppression” Offered on February 6th

The Illinois Valley Safe House Alliance will be offering a free training: “Understanding Oppression” on Thursday February 6th from noon to 3pm.  We will examine how oppression operates in and influences our own lives and the lives of the people we work with. This training will make use of exercises and discussion to explore the relationship between oppression, power, control, and violence.  We will also examine how dominant cultural assumptions affect survivors and how increased awareness improves services delivery.

Attendees will receive a certificate of completion (and tremendous thanks from us here at the Alliance).  If you would like to attend, please RSVP to Marcy at 541-592-5332 so we know how many people to expect. Light snacks will be served and you are welcome to bring a sack lunch.


If you missed this training, stay tuned; we will offer it again soon. We are also offering a training which includes Batterers as Parents and Alcohol, Drugs and Domestic Violence on March 31, 2014.

DV 101 Training Offered in January

The Illinois Valley Safe House Alliance will be offering Domestic Violence 101 training on Friday January 10th from 9am to noon.  This training will include an introduction to the dynamics of domestic violence, an overview of the effects of DV on children, and an outline of how the Alliance is working to end DV in our community.  There will be an opportunity to ask questions.  If you are interested in volunteering, but have not attended a volunteer orientation yet, this training will count as your orientation.on  Attendees will receive a certificate of completion (and tremendous thanks from us here at the Alliance).

Your willingness to spend a morning learning about the issues is incredibly valuable to the work we do. The more you know, the more effective we can all be as we work to end domestic violence.

If you are able to attend, please RSVP to Marcy at 541-592-5332 so we know how many people to expect.