Illinois Valley Safe House Alliance
Cultural Competency Policy
The Illinois Valley Safe House Alliance (the Alliance) is committed to meeting the needs of all survivors who come to us in all of their diversity. The Alliance has dedicated itself to providing services, programs and policies that are appropriate and accessible to our survivors, who encompass a broad range of human differences such as ability and disability, age, educational level, ethnicity, gender, geographic origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, socio-economic class, and values. In order to make that a reality, we also encourage our partner organizations to enhance their abilities to provide cultural competent services.
The Alliance strives to enhance their cultural competence with:
- Culturally competent personnel – advocates, administration, directors and support staff with appropriate skills , knowledge and attitudes
- Culturally competent services – interventions and treatments proven effective with individuals from diverse communities likely to be served
- Culturally competent organizations- policies, administrative procedures, and management practices designed to ensure access to culturally appropriate services and competent personnel.
The Alliance will constantly improve their skills and increase their knowledge and remain culturally humble. The organization will hire and train culturally skilled and knowledgeable people, who will receive ongoing education. We anticipate which cultural communities we are likely to serve and then develop the competence to serve them appropriately. When finding that there is a survivor that comes to us in which we lack the professional skills to help this person, we will consult with or refer to someone who does have the needed skills.
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