Name: Ms. Gray Conway
Current City/State of Residence: Cave Junction/Oregon
Job Title/Career Specialty: Rogue Community College Facility Coordinator/Communications
How did you get involved with the Illinois Valley Safe House Alliance? I was invited to become a board member.
What makes the Safe House Alliance unique? The organization is unique in serving a remote rural community within a county that is primarily served by another organization. Before the Safe House Alliance existed, our community was under served by the other organization due to the geographic challenges facing survivors in crisis.
One thing you are excited to help improve or develop at the Alliance: I am excited about the development of a micro-enterprise that promises to afford employment training opportunities for survivors, and to involved in long-range planning for a local shelter.
An example of a time when you have seen the impact that the Alliance has had and/or the promise of things improving: I’ve been thrilled to see the community-wide impact the Alliance has had by leasing our facility to the US Postal Service during the construction of a new Cave Junction Post Office. The former post office was destroyed by a fire leaving much of the community at a huge disadvantage without a local post office. This is a great example of how the Alliance has flexed to benefit the entire community while serving the survivors of domestic abuse and violence.
Your hidden talent: My hidden talent is doing complicated bead work with tiny seed beads.
One place you have always wanted to visit: Ireland, Nepal, Tibet, Scotland, and Wales
Something that might surprise people about you: It could surprise people that I have five grown children.
Your favorite hobby/pastime: Caring for my nine cats, two Boston Terriers, and five acres of land.
Your passion: My passion is to be a small part of large efforts to help empower people.